Çift Bölgeli Klima

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Ynt: Çift Bölgeli Klima

locke link' Alıntı:
Arkadaşlar... :)))  rezillik diz boyu...  Düzeltiyorum....
Bu yazıyı yazdıktan sonra kafama takıldı ,emin olamadım.
Işten çıktıktan sonra eve gelince çıkmadan deneme yaptım...
Otoda klima devreye giriyor. Yani soğutma ihtiyacı olmasa bile tüketim yaklaşık 0.3-0.4 l artış oluyor...

Bende de bu şekilde çalışıyor.
Auto modu çalıştırıldığı zaman klimada devreye giriyor. İster 30 dereceye ister 18 dereceye ayarlayın yinede klima sürekli açık oluyor.
Klimayı kapattığınızda da Auto modu kendini devre dışı bırakıyor.

Bu nedenle kışın Auto modunu kullanmıyorum.  :)
Ynt: Çift Bölgeli Klima

dreamofice link' Alıntı:
Bu astranin klimasi coklu bilinmeyen denklem gibi:) bugu icin klimaya gerek yok bencede on cam bugu giderme dugmesine basinca buguyu hemen gideriyor , benim de dikkatimi ceken bir kac sey var gerci yukarida bahsedilmis: auto moda  alip klima tusunu da kapatabiliyorsunuz ,klima tusu kapaliysa fan devreye girer bu durumda auto acik klima kapaliysa aracin fani mi devrede oluyor oluyorsa yazin sogutma yapamaz zaten ve bu islev sacma olmuyor mu?
 bir de dereceyi 24 civari yaptigimda ve klimayi auto modda actigimda ( kisin arada klimayi calistirmak sagliklidir diye) uflemyi sadece on cam kanallarindan yapiyor!

Hayır saçma olmuyor... şöyle ki
Klima ve fan ayrı şeyler.
Sonuçta fan havanın içeri uflenmesini sağlar ve gerekli. Havalandırmayı kapatmak için fan düğmesine basılı tutun.
Bu arabalarda sıcaklık ayarı ise içeri sıcak veya soğuk havanın nereden geleceğini ayarlar.
Auto da olmak koşulu ile:
Diyelim 22 dereceye ayarladın. Aracın içi 19 derece. Yön klapesi ısıtmak için havayı sıcak su radyotorunden alır.
Aracın içi 25 derece. Bu klape döner soğuk hava eşanjorunden alır.
Eğer dışarıda hava soguk ise klimayı çalıştırmadan da aracın içini soğutur... klimayı devreye sokmak size eşanjör üzerinde extra soğutma sağlar.
Ynt: Çift Bölgeli Klima

Sorumu okumadın galiba , klımayla fanın ayrı şeyler oldugunun farkındayım sordugum şey bu değil zaten, bazı arkadaslar auto modda klımanın devreye girdiğini söylüyor benım araçta auto moduna basınca klımayı devre dışı bırakabılıyorsun yani klımaya basınca auto tuşuda aktıf oluyor fakat klıma kapalı durumda da auto tuşu aktıf olabılıyor; bu durumda yani klıma kapalı fakat auto acıksa (fan'dan bahsetmıyorum) arac sogutma ya da ısıtmayı neyle yapıyor fanla mı?
  Diğer enteresan gelen şey de ısı derecesi yuksek oldugunda kısın klımayı acarsam üflemeyı sadece ön cam kanallarından yapıyor.
Ynt: Çift Bölgeli Klima

Şimdi çıkan sonuç auto moda alınca klimada devrede oluyor ister ısıtma ister soğutma için olsun, tüketim artıyor.
Ynt: Çift Bölgeli Klima

dreamofice link' Alıntı:
Soru mu okumadın galiba , klımayla fanın ayrı şeyler oldugunun farkındayım sordugum şey bu değil zaten, bazı arkadaslar auto modda klımanın devreye girdiğini söylüyor benım araçta auto moduna basınca klımayı devre dışı bırakabılıyorsun yani klımaya basınca auto tuşuda aktıf oluyor fakat klıma kapalı durumda da auto tuşu aktıf olabılıyor; bu durumda yani klıma kapalı fakat auto acıksa (fan'dan bahsetmıyorum) arac sogutma ya da ısıtmayı neyle yapıyor fanla mı?
  Diğer enteresan gelen şey de ısı derecesi yuksek oldugunda kısın klımayı acarsam üflemeyı sadece ön cam kanallarından yapıyor.

Kusura bakma. Aslında okudum ama yazdığımı da okuyunca fark ettim. saçma bir cevap vermişim... :)

Sizin araç 2012 model sanırım ve A14NET'in dediği gibi AUTO ışığı da yanık kalıyor. Bence Opel sadece yazılımda düzeltme yaptı ve kullanıcının kafasını karıştırıyor.
Bende de AUTO modunda iken düğmelerin üzerinde Klima ışığı yanıyor VE devreye giriyor. Ancak ben klimayı genelde kapıyorum. Klimayı kapatınca AUTO ışığı da sönüyor. Halbuki sizde sönmüyor doğru anladıysam.

Dolayısı ile durum şu:
AUTO'ya bastığınız zaman her şey TAM OTOMATİK. Her şeyi kendi kontrol ediyor.
Klimayı kapatınca klima ve auto ışığı sönse bile (bende en azından), LCD'den baktığımda fan, sıcaklık, iç sirkulasyon AUTO'da kaldığı görünüyor.
Kısacası AUTO durumda klimayı devre dışı bırakabiliyorsunuz... Evet... Ve diğer fonksiyonlar yine AUTO'da kalıyor. Bu duruma da yarı otomatik diyebiliriz :)

E Klima kapalı iken haliyle soğutma için içerideki "klape" soğuk hava kanalından çekmeye devam ediyor havayı ve fan içeri üflüyor. Ancak ne gelirse onu üfler. Klimasız araçları düşünün. Havalandırma iç veya dış ne gelirse onu verir içeri. Hani bu noktada bu muydu merak ettiğiniz bilmiyorum.

Son söylediğiniz, yani sadece ön cam üflemesi konusuna bir şey diyemeyeceğim. Bende öyle yapmıyor sanki.
(NOT/Düzeltme: Kitapçığına baktıktan sonra fark ettim. ֖n cam konusu şu nedenle olabilir sizde. Her zaman yapıyor mu bilmiyorum. Klimayı açtığınızda klimanın çalışma koşullarında ön cam sıcaklığı ve araç içi nem sensörünü dikkate alıyor yazılım. Bu da nemli, soğuk bir günde havayı ön cama yönlendirmesine neden olabilir. Netice tam otomatik çalışıyor. Bir süre bekleyip ne yaptığına bakmakta fayda var..)
Ynt: Çift Bölgeli Klima

Bu arada merak edenlere Klimanın devreye girme (veya girmeme ) koşulları:

Aşağıdaki koşullar A/C kompresör aktive etmek için yerine getirilmesi gerekir:

     • Akü voltajı 9-18V arasında olmalı
     • Motor soğutma suyu sıcaklığı <124 °C (255 °F) olmalı
     • Motor devri > 600 RPM olmalı
     • Motor devri < 5500 RPM olmalı
     • A/C yüksek taraf basıncı 269-2929 kPa (39-425 PSI) arasında olmalı
     • Gaz kelebeği pozisyonu < %100 olmalı
     • Evaporatör sıcaklık > 3°C (38 °F) olmalı
     • ECM aşırı veya dengesiz yük algılamamış olmalı
     • ECM rölanti kriterleri sorunsuz olmalı
     • Dış Ortam sıcaklığı > 1 °C (34 ° F) olmalı

Bilgiler Vauxhall Bakım talimatlarından alıntıdır. Tercüme hataları için affınıza sığınıyorum :)
aşağıda orjinalini de ekledim.

The following conditions must be met in order to activate the A/C compressor:

    • Battery voltage is between 9-18 V
    • Engine coolant temperature is less than 124°C (255°F)
    • Engine speed is greater than 600 RPM
    • Engine speed is less than 5 500 RPM
    • A/C high side pressure is between 269-2 929 kPa (39-425 PSI)
    • Throttle position is less than 100%
    • Evaporator temperature is greater than 3°C (38°F)
    • ECM does not detect immoderate torque load
    • ECM does not detect insufficient idle quality
    • The ambient temperature is above 1°C (34°F)
Ynt: Çift Bölgeli Klima

bu da Havalandırma sisteminin ve klimanın çalışmasını anlatan son derece detaylı bir yazı. Yalnız bunun orjinalini ekliyorum kusura bakmayın.
Vauxhall bakım talimatlarından alıntıdır.

Heating and A/C Operation

The purpose of the heating and A/C system is to provide heated and cooled air to the interior of the vehicle. The A/C system will also remove humidity from the interior and reduce windscreen fogging. Regardless of the temperature setting, the following can affect the rate that the HVAC system can achieve the desired temperature:

   â€¢ Recirculation actuator setting
   â€¢ Difference between inside and desired temperature
   â€¢ Blower motor speed setting
   â€¢ Mode setting
When the A/C switch or the AUTO switch is pressed, the HVAC controls send a signal to the HVAC control module via LIN-Bus. The HVAC control module evaluates this signal and sends an A/C request signal to the ECM via CAN-Bus. The ECM checks all preconditions before releasing and if all conditions are met sends a release signal back to the HVAC control module. The A/C compressor is activated by the HVAC control module. The HVAC control module supplies battery voltage to the A/C compressor. When the A/C switch is pressed, the HVAC control module provides a pulse width modulation (PWM) signal to the A/C compressor in order to command the performance of the A/C compressor. The performance of the A/C compressor is regulated according to adjusted interior temperature on the basis of characteristic lines. Therefore the HVAC control module grounds the A/C compressor with the PWM signal.

The following conditions must be met in order to activate the A/C compressor:

   â€¢ Battery voltage is between 9-18 V
   â€¢ Engine coolant temperature is less than 124°C (255°F)
   â€¢ Engine speed is greater than 600 RPM
   â€¢ Engine speed is less than 5 500 RPM
   â€¢ A/C high side pressure is between 269-2 929 kPa (39-425 PSI)
   â€¢ Throttle position is less than 100%
   â€¢ Evaporator temperature is greater than 3°C (38°F)
   â€¢ ECM does not detect immoderate torque load
   â€¢ ECM does not detect insufficient idle quality
   â€¢ The ambient temperature is above 1°C (34°F)
The sensor information is used by the ECM to determine the following:

   â€¢ The A/C high side pressure
   â€¢ An A/C system load on the engine
   â€¢ An immoderate A/C high side pressure
   â€¢ The heat load at the A/C condenser
The air streams into the passenger compartment through the heater core and the evaporator core. The air temperature actuator drives the mixed air flap to induce the airflow. If the interior temperature should be increased, the mixed air flap is put into the position in which more air streams through the heater core. If the interior temperature should be decreased, the mixed air flap is put into the position in which more air streams through the evaporator core.

Recirculation Operation

The recirculation switch is integrated into the HVAC controls. The selected recirculation switch position is sent to the HVAC control module via LIN-Bus. The HVAC control module controls the air intake through the air inlet actuator and recirculation actuator. In the recirculation mode the air inlet flap closes and the recirculation flap opens in order to circulate the air within the vehicle. In fresh air mode the air inlet flap opens and the recirculation flap is closed again in order to route outside air into the vehicle. Recirculation is only available if the defrost mode is not active. When the defrost mode is active, the recirculation actuator opens the recirculation flap and the air inlet actuator opens the air inlet flap and outside air is circulated to the windscreen to reduce fogging.

In automatic mode the values of the windshield temperature and inside moisture sensor are used as control inputs for the HVAC control module application to calculate the fog risk on passenger compartment side of the windshield compartment side. The A/C compressor and the defrost mode are activated to prevent or remove fog on the passenger compartment side of the windscreen.

The HVAC control module evaluates the information of the air quality sensor and closes the recirculation flap while in the automatic mode as soon as the concentration of pollutants exceeds a predefined value.

Automatic Operation

In automatic operation, the HVAC control module maintains the comfort level inside of the vehicle by controlling the A/C compressor clutch, the blower motor, the air temperature actuators, mode actuator and recirculation actuator.

To put the HVAC system in automatic mode, the following is required:

The auto switch must be activated.
The air temperature switch must be in any other position than full hot or full cold position.
Once the desired temperature is reached, the blower motor, mode, recirculation and temperature actuators automatically adjust to maintain the temperature selected. The HVAC control module performs the following functions to maintain the desired air temperature:

   â€¢ Monitors the following sensors:
      - Ambient air temperature sensor
      - Lower left air temperature sensor
      - Lower right air temperature sensor
      - Upper left air temperature sensor
      - Upper right air temperature sensor
      - Windscreen temperature and inside moisture sensor
      - Ambient light/sunload sensor
      - Air Quality sensor
   â€¢ Regulate blower motor speed
   â€¢ Position the air temperature actuators
   â€¢ Position the mode actuator
   â€¢ Position the recirculation actuator
   â€¢ Position the air inlet actuator
   â€¢ Request A/C operation
   â€¢ Control of the A/C compressor
When the warmest position is selected in automatic operation the blower speed will increase gradually until the vehicle reaches normal operating temperature. When normal operating temperature is reached the blower stays on high speed and the air temperature actuators stays in the full heat position.

When the coldest position is selected in automatic operation the blower stays on high and the air temperature actuators stay in full cold position. The mode actuator remains in the panel position and the recirculation actuator will remain in the recirculation position.

Under cold ambient temperatures, the automatic HVAC system provides heat in the most efficient manner. The operator can select an extreme temperature setting but the system will not warm the vehicle any faster. Under warm ambient temperatures, the automatic HVAC system also provides air conditioning in the most efficient manner. Selecting an extreme cool temperature will not cool the vehicle any faster.

In automatic mode the values of the windscreen temperature and inside moisture sensor are used as control inputs for the HVAC control module application to calculate the fog risk on the passenger compartment side of the windscreen and ability to reduce fuel consumption by decreasing A/C compressor power to a minimum without causing any fog. The A/C compressor and the defrost mode are activated to prevent or remove fog on the passenger compartment side of the windscreen. The sensor will also enable partial recirculation mode in order to improve heat-up performance of the passenger compartment under cold ambient temperature conditions without the risk of mist build-up on the windscreen.

The HVAC control module evaluates the information of the air quality sensor and closes the recirculation flap while in the automatic mode, as soon as the concentration of pollutants exceeds a predefined value.

Engine Coolant

Engine coolant is the essential element of the heating system. The thermostat controls the normal engine operating coolant temperature. The thermostat also creates a restriction for the cooling system that promotes a positive coolant flow and helps prevent cavitation.

Coolant enters the heater core through the inlet heater hose, in a pressurised state. The heater core is located inside the HVAC module. The ambient air drawn through the HVAC module absorbs the heat of the coolant flowing through the heater core. Heated air is distributed to the passenger compartment, through the HVAC module, for passenger comfort. Opening or closing the air temperature flap controls the amount of heat delivered to the passenger compartment. The coolant exits the heater core through the return heater hose and recirculates back to the engine cooling system.

A/C Cycle

Refrigerant is the key element in an air conditioning system. R-134a is presently the only Environmental Protection Agency approved refrigerant for automotive use. R-134a is a very low temperature gas that can transfer the undesirable heat and moisture from the passenger compartment to the outside air.

The compressor builds pressure on the vapour refrigerant. Compressing the refrigerant also adds heat to the refrigerant. The refrigerant is discharged from the compressor, through the discharge hose, and forced to flow to the condenser and then through the balance of the A/C system. The A/C system is mechanically protected with the use of a high pressure relief valve. If the A/C refrigerant pressure sensor fails or if the refrigerant system becomes restricted and refrigerant pressure continued to rise, the high pressure relief will pop open and release refrigerant from the system.

Compressed refrigerant enters the condenser in a high temperature, high pressure vapour state. As the refrigerant flows through the condenser, the heat of the refrigerant is transferred to the ambient air passing through the condenser. Cooling the refrigerant causes the refrigerant to condense and change from a vapour to a liquid state.

The condenser is located in front of the radiator for maximum heat transfer. The condenser is made of aluminium tubing and aluminium cooling fins, which allows rapid heat transfer for the refrigerant. The semi-cooled liquid refrigerant exits the condenser and flows to the Receiver/Dehydrator(R/D).

The R/D contains desiccant that absorbs moisture that may be in the refrigerant system. The R/D also acts as a storage vessel to ensure that a steady flow of liquid reaches the thermal expansion valve. The refrigerant exits the R/D and flows through the liquid line to the thermal expansion valve.

The thermal expansion valve is located at the front of dash and attaches to the evaporator inlet and outlet pipes. The thermal expansion valve is the dividing point for the high and the low pressure sides of the A/C system. As the refrigerant passes through the thermal expansion valve, the pressure on the refrigerant is lowered. The thermal expansion valve also meters the amount of liquid refrigerant that can flow into the evaporator.

Refrigerant exiting the thermal expansion valve flows into the evaporator core in a low pressure, liquid state. Ambient air is drawn through the HVAC module and passes through the evaporator core. Warm and moist air will cause the liquid refrigerant boil inside of the evaporator core. The boiling refrigerant absorbs heat from the ambient air and draws moisture onto the evaporator. The refrigerant exits the evaporator through the suction line and back to the A/C compressor, in a vapour state, and completing the A/C cycle of heat removal. At the A/C compressor, the refrigerant is compressed again and the cycle of heat removal is repeated.

The conditioned air is distributed through the HVAC module for passenger comfort. The heat and moisture removed from the passenger compartment will also change form, or condense, and is discharged from the HVAC module as water.
Ynt: Çift Bölgeli Klima

locke link' Alıntı:
Bu arada merak edenlere Klimanın devreye girme (veya girmeme ) koşulları:

Aşağıdaki koşullar A/C kompresör aktive etmek için yerine getirilmesi gerekir:

    • Akü voltajı 9-18V arasında olmalı
    • Motor soğutma suyu sıcaklığı <124 °C (255 °F) olmalı
    • Motor devri > 600 RPM olmalı
    • Motor devri < 5500 RPM olmalı
    • A/C yüksek taraf basıncı 269-2929 kPa (39-425 PSI) arasında olmalı
    • Gaz kelebeği pozisyonu < %100 olmalı
    • Evaporatör sıcaklık > 3°C (38 °F) olmalı
    • ECM aşırı veya dengesiz yük algılamamış olmalı
    • ECM rölanti kriterleri sorunsuz olmalı
    • Dış Ortam sıcaklığı > 1 °C (34 ° F) olmalı

Bilgiler Vauxhall Bakım talimatlarından alıntıdır. Tercüme hataları için affınıza sığınıyorum :)
aşağıda orjinalini de ekledim.

The following conditions must be met in order to activate the A/C compressor:

    • Battery voltage is between 9-18 V
    • Engine coolant temperature is less than 124°C (255°F)
    • Engine speed is greater than 600 RPM
    • Engine speed is less than 5 500 RPM
    • A/C high side pressure is between 269-2 929 kPa (39-425 PSI)
    • Throttle position is less than 100%
    • Evaporator temperature is greater than 3°C (38°F)
    • ECM does not detect immoderate torque load
    • ECM does not detect insufficient idle quality
    • The ambient temperature is above 1°C (34°F)

locke link' Alıntı:
bu da Havalandırma sisteminin ve klimanın çalışmasını anlatan son derece detaylı bir yazı. Yalnız bunun orjinalini ekliyorum kusura bakmayın.
Vauxhall bakım talimatlarından alıntıdır.

Heating and A/C Operation

The purpose of the heating and A/C system is to provide heated and cooled air to the interior of the vehicle. The A/C system will also remove humidity from the interior and reduce windscreen fogging. Regardless of the temperature setting, the following can affect the rate that the HVAC system can achieve the desired temperature:

    • Recirculation actuator setting
    • Difference between inside and desired temperature
    • Blower motor speed setting
    • Mode setting
When the A/C switch or the AUTO switch is pressed, the HVAC controls send a signal to the HVAC control module via LIN-Bus. The HVAC control module evaluates this signal and sends an A/C request signal to the ECM via CAN-Bus. The ECM checks all preconditions before releasing and if all conditions are met sends a release signal back to the HVAC control module. The A/C compressor is activated by the HVAC control module. The HVAC control module supplies battery voltage to the A/C compressor. When the A/C switch is pressed, the HVAC control module provides a pulse width modulation (PWM) signal to the A/C compressor in order to command the performance of the A/C compressor. The performance of the A/C compressor is regulated according to adjusted interior temperature on the basis of characteristic lines. Therefore the HVAC control module grounds the A/C compressor with the PWM signal.

The following conditions must be met in order to activate the A/C compressor:

    • Battery voltage is between 9-18 V
    • Engine coolant temperature is less than 124°C (255°F)
    • Engine speed is greater than 600 RPM
    • Engine speed is less than 5 500 RPM
    • A/C high side pressure is between 269-2 929 kPa (39-425 PSI)
    • Throttle position is less than 100%
    • Evaporator temperature is greater than 3°C (38°F)
    • ECM does not detect immoderate torque load
    • ECM does not detect insufficient idle quality
    • The ambient temperature is above 1°C (34°F)
The sensor information is used by the ECM to determine the following:

    • The A/C high side pressure
    • An A/C system load on the engine
    • An immoderate A/C high side pressure
    • The heat load at the A/C condenser
The air streams into the passenger compartment through the heater core and the evaporator core. The air temperature actuator drives the mixed air flap to induce the airflow. If the interior temperature should be increased, the mixed air flap is put into the position in which more air streams through the heater core. If the interior temperature should be decreased, the mixed air flap is put into the position in which more air streams through the evaporator core.

Recirculation Operation

The recirculation switch is integrated into the HVAC controls. The selected recirculation switch position is sent to the HVAC control module via LIN-Bus. The HVAC control module controls the air intake through the air inlet actuator and recirculation actuator. In the recirculation mode the air inlet flap closes and the recirculation flap opens in order to circulate the air within the vehicle. In fresh air mode the air inlet flap opens and the recirculation flap is closed again in order to route outside air into the vehicle. Recirculation is only available if the defrost mode is not active. When the defrost mode is active, the recirculation actuator opens the recirculation flap and the air inlet actuator opens the air inlet flap and outside air is circulated to the windscreen to reduce fogging.

In automatic mode the values of the windshield temperature and inside moisture sensor are used as control inputs for the HVAC control module application to calculate the fog risk on passenger compartment side of the windshield compartment side. The A/C compressor and the defrost mode are activated to prevent or remove fog on the passenger compartment side of the windscreen.

The HVAC control module evaluates the information of the air quality sensor and closes the recirculation flap while in the automatic mode as soon as the concentration of pollutants exceeds a predefined value.

Automatic Operation

In automatic operation, the HVAC control module maintains the comfort level inside of the vehicle by controlling the A/C compressor clutch, the blower motor, the air temperature actuators, mode actuator and recirculation actuator.

To put the HVAC system in automatic mode, the following is required:

The auto switch must be activated.
The air temperature switch must be in any other position than full hot or full cold position.
Once the desired temperature is reached, the blower motor, mode, recirculation and temperature actuators automatically adjust to maintain the temperature selected. The HVAC control module performs the following functions to maintain the desired air temperature:

    • Monitors the following sensors:
      - Ambient air temperature sensor
      - Lower left air temperature sensor
      - Lower right air temperature sensor
      - Upper left air temperature sensor
      - Upper right air temperature sensor
      - Windscreen temperature and inside moisture sensor
      - Ambient light/sunload sensor
      - Air Quality sensor
    • Regulate blower motor speed
    • Position the air temperature actuators
    • Position the mode actuator
    • Position the recirculation actuator
    • Position the air inlet actuator
    • Request A/C operation
    • Control of the A/C compressor
When the warmest position is selected in automatic operation the blower speed will increase gradually until the vehicle reaches normal operating temperature. When normal operating temperature is reached the blower stays on high speed and the air temperature actuators stays in the full heat position.

When the coldest position is selected in automatic operation the blower stays on high and the air temperature actuators stay in full cold position. The mode actuator remains in the panel position and the recirculation actuator will remain in the recirculation position.

Under cold ambient temperatures, the automatic HVAC system provides heat in the most efficient manner. The operator can select an extreme temperature setting but the system will not warm the vehicle any faster. Under warm ambient temperatures, the automatic HVAC system also provides air conditioning in the most efficient manner. Selecting an extreme cool temperature will not cool the vehicle any faster.

In automatic mode the values of the windscreen temperature and inside moisture sensor are used as control inputs for the HVAC control module application to calculate the fog risk on the passenger compartment side of the windscreen and ability to reduce fuel consumption by decreasing A/C compressor power to a minimum without causing any fog. The A/C compressor and the defrost mode are activated to prevent or remove fog on the passenger compartment side of the windscreen. The sensor will also enable partial recirculation mode in order to improve heat-up performance of the passenger compartment under cold ambient temperature conditions without the risk of mist build-up on the windscreen.

The HVAC control module evaluates the information of the air quality sensor and closes the recirculation flap while in the automatic mode, as soon as the concentration of pollutants exceeds a predefined value.

Engine Coolant

Engine coolant is the essential element of the heating system. The thermostat controls the normal engine operating coolant temperature. The thermostat also creates a restriction for the cooling system that promotes a positive coolant flow and helps prevent cavitation.

Coolant enters the heater core through the inlet heater hose, in a pressurised state. The heater core is located inside the HVAC module. The ambient air drawn through the HVAC module absorbs the heat of the coolant flowing through the heater core. Heated air is distributed to the passenger compartment, through the HVAC module, for passenger comfort. Opening or closing the air temperature flap controls the amount of heat delivered to the passenger compartment. The coolant exits the heater core through the return heater hose and recirculates back to the engine cooling system.

A/C Cycle

Refrigerant is the key element in an air conditioning system. R-134a is presently the only Environmental Protection Agency approved refrigerant for automotive use. R-134a is a very low temperature gas that can transfer the undesirable heat and moisture from the passenger compartment to the outside air.

The compressor builds pressure on the vapour refrigerant. Compressing the refrigerant also adds heat to the refrigerant. The refrigerant is discharged from the compressor, through the discharge hose, and forced to flow to the condenser and then through the balance of the A/C system. The A/C system is mechanically protected with the use of a high pressure relief valve. If the A/C refrigerant pressure sensor fails or if the refrigerant system becomes restricted and refrigerant pressure continued to rise, the high pressure relief will pop open and release refrigerant from the system.

Compressed refrigerant enters the condenser in a high temperature, high pressure vapour state. As the refrigerant flows through the condenser, the heat of the refrigerant is transferred to the ambient air passing through the condenser. Cooling the refrigerant causes the refrigerant to condense and change from a vapour to a liquid state.

The condenser is located in front of the radiator for maximum heat transfer. The condenser is made of aluminium tubing and aluminium cooling fins, which allows rapid heat transfer for the refrigerant. The semi-cooled liquid refrigerant exits the condenser and flows to the Receiver/Dehydrator(R/D).

The R/D contains desiccant that absorbs moisture that may be in the refrigerant system. The R/D also acts as a storage vessel to ensure that a steady flow of liquid reaches the thermal expansion valve. The refrigerant exits the R/D and flows through the liquid line to the thermal expansion valve.

The thermal expansion valve is located at the front of dash and attaches to the evaporator inlet and outlet pipes. The thermal expansion valve is the dividing point for the high and the low pressure sides of the A/C system. As the refrigerant passes through the thermal expansion valve, the pressure on the refrigerant is lowered. The thermal expansion valve also meters the amount of liquid refrigerant that can flow into the evaporator.

Refrigerant exiting the thermal expansion valve flows into the evaporator core in a low pressure, liquid state. Ambient air is drawn through the HVAC module and passes through the evaporator core. Warm and moist air will cause the liquid refrigerant boil inside of the evaporator core. The boiling refrigerant absorbs heat from the ambient air and draws moisture onto the evaporator. The refrigerant exits the evaporator through the suction line and back to the A/C compressor, in a vapour state, and completing the A/C cycle of heat removal. At the A/C compressor, the refrigerant is compressed again and the cycle of heat removal is repeated.

The conditioned air is distributed through the HVAC module for passenger comfort. The heat and moisture removed from the passenger compartment will also change form, or condense, and is discharged from the HVAC module as water.

Gerçekten çok yararlı bilgiler.
Paylaşım için +1  thnxx
Ynt: Çift Bölgeli Klima

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Son söylediğiniz, yani sadece ön cam üflemesi konusuna bir şey diyemeyeceğim. Bende öyle yapmıyor sanki.
(NOT/Düzeltme: Kitapçığına baktıktan sonra fark ettim. Ön cam konusu şu nedenle olabilir sizde. Her zaman yapıyor mu bilmiyorum. Klimayı açtığınızda klimanın çalışma koşullarında ön cam sıcaklığı ve araç içi nem sensörünü dikkate alıyor yazılım. Bu da nemli, soğuk bir günde havayı ön cama yönlendirmesine neden olabilir. Netice tam otomatik çalışıyor. Bir süre bekleyip ne yaptığına bakmakta fayda var..)

Teşekkür ederım Sayın locke söyledıgınız mantıklı ön cam soguk oldugu için önce camı ısıtmaya çalısıyor demek ki.
Ynt: Çift Bölgeli Klima

locke link' Alıntı:
Under cold ambient temperatures, the automatic HVAC system provides heat in the most efficient manner. The operator can select an extreme temperature setting but the system will not warm the vehicle any faster. Under warm ambient temperatures, the automatic HVAC system also provides air conditioning in the most efficient manner. Selecting an extreme cool temperature will not cool the vehicle any faster.

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